About The Artist
Welcome to my virtual art gallery!
I am one of the pioneers in the field of digital fine art painting. My goal is to paint a work of fine art using a computer and the basic Microsoft Paint software program with only the tools provided and a mouse. I use no software filters, no photographs imported onto the screen, no manipulations or any other artificial devices from software programs which produce effects such shading, texture, clouds, water color painting, oil painting, etc.
My entire work of a digital fine art painting – color, texture, detail, and subject matter - is painted entirely by hand using my mouse as a brush. I do not click a button to mechanically produce the desired effect. It is a much more time consuming process, but I find it more creatively challenging and satisfying to take the time required to paint this way rather than have the desired effect created mechanically in seconds.
Painting digitally with a mouse is a wonderful means of expression because it requires focus, skill and patience, but the rewards are fresh and brilliant paintings well suited to the primitive art and portraits that I am fond of painting. As I explore the possibilities of this method of painting, I am inspired to try new techniques and improve upon old ones.
I have continued with digital painting despite the temptation on occasion to pick up a brush, paints, and a canvas and be more conventional - in part because I like doing things the hard way; and, in part, because I believe that there is a place in fine arts for digital painting. I want to contribute to making digital painting a universally accepted and coveted part of fine art.